
Tax Alerts
Tax Briefing(s)
Putting God and people first, we guide our clients
in wise financial planning, tax management, and stewardship.

Welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in our firm. In addition to providing you with a profile of our firm and the services we provide, this website has been designed to become a helpful resource tool to our valued clients and visitors. Our dedication to superior client service has brought us to the Internet as we endeavor to continue to provide the highest quality professional service and guidance.

As you browse through our website, you will see that not only have we highlighted background information on our firm and the services we provide, but have also included useful resources such as downloadable IRS forms and publications (in our Info Center), informative articles on the latest tax laws and more (in our Newsletter), and interactive financial calculators (in our Financial Tools page).

You can learn more about our firm in the Firm Profile page and our staff in the Contact Us page.   However, please read below regarding sending us confidential documents. 

Secure communications: We strongly encourage all clients, potential clients, and third party advisors to NOT send confidential information through regular e-mail. Please either use our secure TaxCaddy solution, our Client Axcess Portal or our Secure E-mail system. If you are unfamilar and/or wish to learn more about these alternatives, please review our Secure Communications page.  

CCH    Client Axcess Portal

Make a Payment: If you would like to pay an outstanding invoice online with a credit card, that service is available on our Contact us page.